My Journey Who I’d Like to Serve Where We Get Stuck Where to Start
Want to be “fit again” but are stuck? Responsibilities, work, caregiving, other time and energy constraints, make prioritizing exercise and nutrition a challenge? Betrayed by a body that’s breaking down from acute or chronic injury and illness piled atop the aging process? I want to help.
If you’ve felt like a high achieving, motivated individual, but can’t seem to hang on to that feeling of intense motivation for very long before the overwhelm of life takes over again, I understand that feeling, I’ve felt it too.
This is a real challenge and I’m ready to tackle this!
✨If you feel “stuck,” don’t know how to get unstuck and are looking for help to level up. I can help.
✨If you still have hope, even if its just a glimmer, that your current situation is NOT where you must remain and you’re hungry for an opportunity to thrive again. I’m here for you.
✨If you’re frustrated/angry/sad because you NEED to move BUT it often hurts, I want to help.
🌟My calling is to show up for you and let you know there IS a way to reclaim former fitness. To be able to move with less or no pain, to be active again, to play with your kids or grandkids, to experience your life the way you wish to live it. I’m still working through the details, but excited to have this much clarity!
This isn’t your average fitness program. There’s NO elimination of entire food groups in nutrition, NO “no pain no gain,” punish your body mentality. Simply get your body and mind primed to function as they were designed to function and the gains will flow.
The first step is shifting mindset and behavior out of old habits that keep us frustrated, tiered, sore and ultimately inconsistent and stuck.
How we perceive our world and our place in it materially, and literally, affects how we move in it and thus our ability to reach our goals.
✨Get fit mentally, get fit physically.
Stay tuned for more, meanwhile #MindYourMatters ✨
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